Houston is a hot, humid and often unpredictable city, so it’s no surprise peoples are always looking for an update on January 11, 2023. Here you’ll find information about temperatures, precipitation levels and other forecasts that’ll help you determine how to prepare for certain activities.
During The Day
High approaching 79F, with a mostly cloudy. 10 to 15 mph from the Southwest.
During The Night
After 3 am, there is a risk of rain and thunderstorms, with a slight chance of rain between midnight and 3 am. 59 degrees with a mostly cloudy sky. 10 mph south wind that changes to the west after midnight. 30% chance of precipitation.
The temperature is as low as 61F, Southwest wind of 10 to 20 mph.
Overall Report
Temperature (Day/Night) | 79F / 61F |
Humidity (Day/Night) | 79% / 82% |
UV Index (Day/Night) | 3 of 10 / 0 of 10 |
Pollen Count | PM 2.5 |
Sunrise/ Sunset | 7:18 am / 5:41 pm |
Moonrise/Moonset | 10:01 pm / 10:24 am |

Houston’s weather today was sunny with scattered rain and a high temperature of 79 degree Fahrenheit. Although the humidity can be quite high and cause discomfort for some, those living in Houston have grown accustomed to the climate. It is important to stay abreast of the latest weather updates for Houston as conditions can quickly become dangerous during hurricane season. Therefore, residents should take extra caution and make sure to keep business locations, homes and any other spaces secured when inclement weather is predicted.
Stay current on the latest weather news by checking the Weather News Today website or your local news station.